Cookie policy

We want you to have a good experience browsing our website, so we place cookies on your device to collect anonymous browsing data and other clues that help us improve our website.

Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information that are placed on your device when you visit a website. Cookies are sent back to the originating site on each subsequent visit or to another site that recognizes that cookie.

By using our website, you consent to the placement of the cookies specified below on your device.

Types of cookies

Cookies can be classified in several different ways. Four of the most common types are the following:

First-party cookies are cookies placed directly by the website on your device and are often used to recognize you when you revisit the website and to remember your preferences while browsing the website.

Third-party cookies are used by service providers, on behalf of the website you are visiting, to recognize your device when visiting other websites. These third-party cookies are normally used for the purpose of advertising or analyzing visits and behavior on the website.

Cookies can also be classified as session or persistent cookies. Devices automatically remove session cookies after closing the browser. Persistent cookies remain on devices until their expiration date, specified in the cookie itself. On our website, we use both session and persistent cookies.

Cookies we use

Google Analytics is Google’s web analytics tool that helps us understand our visitors’ engagement with the pages on our site. Google Analytics uses a set of cookies to collect information and report website usage statistics without personally identifying visitors.

In addition to reporting website usage statistics, we also use Google Analytics, along with some of the advertising cookies, to help show more relevant ads on Google Properties (such as Google Search) and across the web, and to measure interactions with the ads we show.

This is the list of Google Analytics cookies we use on our website and you can find more details on what each one does on Google’s website:









Hotjar is a tool that analyzes the interactions of visitors with the content of our website. Heatmaps help us identify the type of interaction that the user has with the content, the behavior being recorded and represented by clicks, touches and scrolling behavior on pages by device type: mobile or desktop.

This information is anonymized, which means we cannot identify any user in particular.

This is the list of Hotjar cookies that we have on our website and you can find more details on what each one does on Hotjar’s website:





Hubspotutk (third-party cookie)

intercom-lou-c5ke8zbr (third-party cookie)

intercom-session-c5ke8zbr (third-party cookie)

mp_ (third-party cookie)

optimizelyBuckets (third-party cookie)

optimizelySegments (third-party cookie)

Changing cookies preferences

The “Help” menu on the toolbar of most browsers explains how to change your cookies settings, including how to make the browser notify you when it receives new cookies and how to disable them completely. At you can find useful guidance on how to make these changes.

However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies), you may not be able to access all or parts of our website.
In case of any problems or issues related to cookies that we have not addressed satisfactorily, please contact us at